Monday, July 4, 2011

Kraken Draait Door Demonstration Videos

I will be doing this speech straight in english as we are an international movement and we should be proud of that.

The Amsterdam squatting movement is an international movement, as there are many people from many different backgrounds who fight for their right to live here.

We should not be afraid to state that yes, we have an right to this city. We are the people who clean this city, cook its food. We are working the supermarkets. We haul the trash. We take care of the elderly and the sick. We build the houses. We teach the children. We guide the tourists. We make the art that makes this place an worthwhile place to live.
Each and everyone of us, the precariat, the workingclass, everybody who forms the heart and blood of this city has the right to live here and should fight for it. Blind for the racial and nationalist lines that those in power try to dived us along.

And we are not just an international movement because of the many people from different backgrounds that live here but also an international movement as this is an global struggle.

Tomorow "Homes not Jails" will have an demonstration and open housing occupation in San Francisco.

As their call out states; "figures show that in The City of San Francisco thirty two thousand housing units are empty while ten thousand people are homeless, People must not be evicted for profit. People's rights come before property rights."

they also state:
"In 2005, there were an estimated 1 billion people world wide living in squatted homes and in squatter shantytowns. By 2030, the projection jumps to 2 billion or one in four people on the planet. We will unite, we will fight, and ... we will win. "

We, here today, dont just march and fight for our right to this city, we also march and fight in solidarity with those fighting every where else. Those that will fight in San Francisco tomorow, those that fought in Kopenhagen yesterday, those that fight in Berlin as we speak and those in every place in the world, in the first- and in the third world, that fight every day.

And to those who say we shouldnt be too radical in our demands, that we shouldnt be talking about classwarfare. those that say we should be happy with the bones those in power choose to throw us, those people i want to remind of one thing:

The president of the FED, the (privatised) central bank of the United States recently said:

"There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we are winning."

They declared war on us. Now we should decide whether we yield or fight back with every weapon in our arsenal.
And if we fight back against those that declared war against us, and we happen to loose an battle, lets make sure we take some of the fuckers down with us.

Spirit Of Squatters CollectiveSpirit Of Squatters Collective
Spirit Of Squatters Collective

Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action (like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !

... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!
Spirit Of Squatters Collective is always trying to report and support good things what are happening around us. We trying at least one time a day show You some news.  We waiting for You to help us support good things with our video channel and with creating independent media.

and that's few words from our pages:
With our activities we want to make this world a better place.Reclaim the media with us.Feel free to use our videos.Now all up to you !!!Real life is beginning when you turn off the tv, computer. See you on the streets in actions !!!
If You think its important and good what we are doing You can donate what can help us to find more time to improve our activity. Click here:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the videos! was searching for so long!