Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We pledge to make a garden out of some Amsterdam wasteland


What's your pledge? On President Obama's first day in office I went for a walk and took some pictures of some Christmas trees.
Some people have started a guerrilla garden on a piece of Amsterdam wasteland. They have rescued some Christmas trees from the trash and planted them. Later on in the spring they plan to plant some herbs and food plants. It's a great idea, and becoming more popular all over the world. There is so much wasted land in cities that could be used to make our environment greener, more pleasant and more useful.

A guy called Richard has been doing this in London, and has a webpage called Guerrilla Gardening Homepage, and David Tracey in Canada has written a book on the subject. There are so many bits of waste ground where food could be grown. After all we are a species of hunters and gatherers. Is it perhaps not time to learn some of our old skills again? As times get tougher becoming more self-sufficient is a sensible option. It also makes a positive contribution to the balance of nature. Every tree we plant takes up a bit of CO2, and helps to tackle global warming. Think big, start small should be our new motto.

I pledge to support a greener city and support guerrilla gardeners everywhere. What's your pledge?

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