Friday, November 14, 2008

"We won't pay for your crisis"solidarity action witch students protesting in Italy

Italian students, researchers, workers and Dutch activists will meet up on Friday 14 in front of the Italian Consulate in Amsterdam to support the General Strike that takes place in Italy on the same day. On Friday the whole nation will be blocked by demonstrations against the approval of "Legge Gelmini", a law that seriously cuts down on public funding of education.

"We won't pay for your crisis": is the slogan shouted by protesters against Berlusconi governement's choices to destroy public education system. Not only in Italy. In Bruxelles, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Copenhagen students are demonstrating against the neoliberal agenda for the financial crisis diverting money from the public sector to private banks.

Again: "We won't pay for your crisis".

A tactical action will take place on Friday to reach also Dutch people, keeping them updated on what's going on in Italy and in Europe in these days.

We call students, researchers, teachers, activists and sensitive people in Amsterdam to join us to protect knowledge as a common good.

Friday 14 th, 2008
H 10.00
Italian Consolate, Vijzelstraat 79, Amsterdam

European Anomalous Wave, Amsterdam

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